Friday, August 8, 2014

Daily Production Still #3

Lots of hours spent tonight populating the environment. Here is where I started:

After some work I got to here:

Nothing crazy. Much later I ended here:

This shot is a good representation of the final visual quality I will be aiming for. I consider the environment and lighting (not post and rendering) to be at ~85-90%.  It uses every asset I made over the past few weeks.  Here are my thoughts:

What I like: 
-The density feels great in spots. Very natural
-The lighting holds up very well. This is better than I had been hoping for.
-The grass blends much better than I thought it would, and shrinking down the flowers was a fun touch.

What I dont like:
-The big trees feel to sparse along the trunk
-Parts of the background still give that feel that they arent in a forest (specifically the back left)
-Some shapes still feel strange, like the big rock to the left
-Some ground meshes were lost, and some of the leaves don't hold up that well on the saplings when viewed from this angle
-The small tree to the center left is just too dark.

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